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If athletes have their performance-enhancing drugs, the office workers and students have their brain-enhancing drugs or the so-called brain steroids, and then athletes start looking for an edge on the competition," said Paul Allen, the founder of Microsoft and a key supporter of D'Ambrosio's project. Even with the new drug approval, D'Ambrosio is still at the mercy of the FDA and its new guidelines, hgh hoeveel gebruiken. Although it was a big step forward — the drug does not produce any noticeable side effects — he worries whether his drug will be approved in time. "If it's not approved, this is going to be an expensive drug to produce and distribute, and it's going to take a lot of time to get it approved," D'Ambrosio said, dianabol etkileri. Even so, D'Ambrosio has raised a lot of money for his project. After the drug was approved from the FDA last month, he raised over $4 million in venture capital funds, including a $1 million sum from Google Ventures, hjh office ergohuman. In October, he also received $2 million from General Catalyst and a $1 million fund from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, office ergohuman hjh. D'Ambrosio has become a kind of celebrity in Silicon Valley, as he's featured on a few TV programs and as a featured speaker at conferences on artificial intelligence, the use of brain implants and related brain research, sustanon 250 1mg. The Google Ventures and Gates fund have also invested in D'Ambrosio's project. For more on this story, sign up for the Sunday Digital News & Insight newsletter delivered to your inbox Monday-Friday, steroids in sports.
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